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Our workshop “Empowering Traditional Communities in the Brazilian Coastal Zone to Adapt to the Climate Crisis” brought together early career researchers from Brazil and the UK in a virtual workshop over 3 days in May/June 2021. The first part of the workshop revolved around hearing from a diverse range of researchers and stakeholders regarding the themes of the workshop. This included hearing about the needs and experiences of traditional coastal communities, learning about research projects that have sought to explore and address these needs, and stimulating discussions among participants and speakers. These enlightening talks served to create links across different actors – researchers, local government workers, and communities, – as well as introducing the participants to a multi-disciplinary set of tools for community-centred coastal conservation, sustainable development, and climate change adaptation. 

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The second part of the workshop was dedicated to networking and small group work to discuss and develop ideas for how researchers could work with communities towards their climate change adaptation needs and goals. The participants formed five thematic groups. By the end of the workshop, the groups presented speed-talks on their own proposal for Research-Intervention Action Plans. These activities have created new collaborative links between Brazilian and UK early career researchers, thus expanding their international networks.

The five teams of participants submitted formal RIAP proposals in the Challenge Prize competition, four of which were awarded funding, giving rise to new international collaborations. Planned products included an extreme weather forecasting model, science communication materials, new networks to connect various community stakeholders and policymakers, and tools to promote and share traditional knowledge and experiences. These products will help to empower communities in their resilience strategies against climate change through a number of means, such as increasing community access to scientific information, promoting gender equality, and amplifying community voices to wider audiences.

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Period for applications is closed

Call for participants

Call for participants to workshop on: “Empowering Traditional Communities in the Brazilian Coastal Zone to Adapt to the Climate Crisis”

Under the Researcher Links Climate Challenge Workshops scheme offered by the British Council, the Manchester Metropolitan University and Universidade Federal de Alagoas will be holding a virtual workshop on the above theme on 27th, 28th  May and 3rd Jun 2021. The workshop is being coordinated by Manchester Metropolitan University and Universidade Federal de Alagoas, and will have contributions from other leading researchers, key local stakeholders and federal, state and local representatives of the national government. We are now inviting Early Career Researchers from the UK and Brazil to apply to attend this workshop. The application form, with more details on the initiative, is provided below and should be sent before the deadline of 30th April 2021.

Workshop Title: Empowering Traditional Communities in the Brazilian Coastal Zone to Adapt to the Climate Crisis

UK Principal Investigator: Prof. Richard Preziosi, Manchester Metropolitan University

Partner Country Principal Investigator: Prof. Ana Malhado, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Mentors: Dr. Ana Nuno, Research Fellow, Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter- UK;
Dr. Johan Oldekop, Senior Lecturer in Environment and Development, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester – UK
Dr. Fabiana Couto, Superintendent of the environment, Secretariat of State for the Environment and Water Resources of Alagoas – BR
Prof. Jessé Marques, Environmental Science, University Center CESMAC- BR

Main themes:  Climate change, Ocean Science, Citizen Science, Science Communication, Gender Equality


27th May (13:00-17:30 BST/ 9:00-13:30 BRT)

28th May (13:00-17:30 BST/ 9:00-13:30 BRT)

03rd June (13:00-17:30 BST/ 9:00-13:00 BRT)

Online platform: Microsoft Teams

Researcher Links Climate Challenge Workshops are designed for early career researchers from the UK and internationally to interact, learn from each other and explore opportunities for building long-lasting research collaborations in the field of climate change. 

As part of this programme, we are now recruiting early career researchers to participate in the above workshop. During the workshop, participants will team up to develop Research-Intervention Action Plans (RIAPs) in one of the following categories: Ocean Science, Citizen Science, Science Communication, Gender Equality. Teams will use their collective expertise to create strategies related to climate change adaptation and resilience in Brazilian coastal communities, with the best proposal in each category winning up to £8,750 for teams to carry out their projects. Participants will also benefit from talks and guidance from established researchers in the UK and Brazil, Brazilian government officials, and representatives from traditional Brazillian communities. 

The workshop will provide a unique opportunity for sharing research expertise and networking. There will be a focus on building up links for future collaborations and participants selected on the basis of their research potential and ability to build longer term links. All activities will be held online.

Application and Deadline:
The full application below must be completed and submitted by the 14th May 2021.

Eligibility Criteria:
• Applications must be submitted using the Researcher Links application form
• Applications must be submitted before the deadline
• Participants must have a research or academic position (a permanent post, research contract, or fellowship etc) at a recognised research institution either in the UK or in Brazil, OR be registered as a PhD student at a recognised research institution either in the UK or in Brazil.


• Participants must have a research or academic position (a permanent post, research contract, or fellowship etc) at a recognised research institution either in the UK or in Brazil
• Please note that participants are expected to attend all virtual sessions of the workshop.

Quality Assessment 

  • Experience and relevance of the applicant’s research area to the workshop 
  • Motivation and contribution to the aims of the workshop
  • Description of the long-term impact expected through the participation in the workshop 
  • Ability to disseminate workshop’s outcomes 

Selection Procedure: 

  • Eligibility check 
  • Quality assessment

Notification of results:

Applicants will be notified by email a week prior to the workshop. 

Equal Opportunities 

Equal opportunities and diversity are at the heart of the British Council’s cultural relations ambitions. While recognising that some research fields are dominated by one particular gender, Principal Applicants are encouraged to work towards an equal gender balance, promote diversity. They must not exclude applicants on the basis of ethnicity, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation, social status or disability. Participants’ selection undertaken by workshop organisers must not contravene this policy. Extra support to enable participation of Early Career Researchers with special needs will be given. The British Council will be able to provide support for those without reliable internet access. Applicants from traditionally underrepresented groups in science (women, transpeople, non-binary persons) are particularly encouraged to apply.

This project was supported by a Researcher Links Climate Challenge Workshop Grant, ID 715066064 and funded by the British Council to implement activities in the run up to COP26 (the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties). 

For further information, please visit


Workshop Researcher Links Climate Challenge | Application Form

This form relates to the application for the workshop “Empowering Tradicional Communities in the Brazilian Coastal Zone to Adapt to the Climate Crises”.

The objective of the workshop is to empower and connect scientists, managers and traditional coastal communities in Brazil who seek legitimacy and representation at the interface between marine science, communication, citizen science and climate change. The workshop will provide a unique opportunity for sharing research expertise and networking.

In doing so, we will create a strong international collaboration committed to innovating sustainable development solutions and raising awareness of the impacts of climate change on coastal environments and communities.

During the workshop, participants will team up to develop Research-Intervention Action Plans (RIAPs) in one of the following categories: Ocean Science, Citizen Science, Science Communication, Gender Equality.

The workshop is a partnership from the Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) and the Alagoas Federal University (Brazil), and funded by the British Council.

All activities will be held online.

Due date to application: 30th April 2021

Contact info: rlcc@institutoayni.org

Thank you!

For additional information, please contact: rlcc@institutoayni.org


UK-based researchers can still have a big role to play even without travelling to the communities themselves! Teams will work together online to design their projects and develop any products (such as web resources, apps, educational resources, workshops, surveys, restoration activities etc.), to analyse data, and to write up the final report and any publication. Any implementation on the ground can be carried out by researchers based in Brazil, or partners in communities, for example.

You will not be able to join in on the day live, but we will record the talks and post them online to be freely available to anyone who wishes to watch them.

No, this isn’t necessary at all! The first part of the workshop will involve talks from a range of stakeholders and researchers which we hope will inspire you with new exciting ideas suitable to address the particular challenges faced by coastal communities in Brazil. You will have the opportunity to network with other researchers and share your ideas, forming groups with those interested in the same theme – you will be put into groups based on your interests, so nobody will be alone!

Research- Interaction Action Plan Challenge Prize winners

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